Friday, August 16, 2019
Student: Internal Control and Battery Operated Pocket
1. ACCOUNTANCY AND BUSINESS STASTICS Part-I : THEORY & PRACTICE OF AUDITING Min. Pass marks : 36 3 Hrs. duration Max. Marks : 100 Section-A 1. Auditing : Meaning, Objects, Fraud, errors : Book-keeping, Accounting and Auditing; Classification of audits; Planning and procedure of audit; Audit programmes; Auditor's working papers, Test checking; Routine checking. 2. Internal control : meaning, objective and evaluation of internal control; internal check and internal audit; Internal control regarding sales, purchases, assets, liabilities and salaries and wages; vouching. . Verification and valuation of assets and liabilities; Rules laid down in Kingston Cotton Mills Co. Ltd. (1896); Irish Woolen Co. Ltd. (1901); Westminister Road Construction & Engineering Ltd. (1941) and Thomas Gerard and Sons Ltd. (1967). Section-B 1. Audit of sole proprietorship and partnership concerns. Educational institutions, Cinemas, Clubs and Hospitals. 2.Audit of joint stock companies : Appointment, removal and remuneration of company auditor; Audit of share capital, debentures and mangerial remuneration, Audit for the purpose of Statutory Report and Prospectus; Audit of Government Companies with reference to Section 619 to the companies Act, 1956. Section-C 1. Rights, duties and liabilities of an auditor and Rules laid down in London and General Bank Case (1895); Hedley yrne and Co. Ltd. v/s Heller and Partners Ltd. (1863); CIT v/s G. M. Dandekar (1952); Anupam Roy v/s P. K. Mukherjee (1956). 2. Divisible profits including audit of Reserves and Provisions. 3.Audit Reports and Audit Certificates. 4. Investigation : Meaning, objecgtives procedure; Investiation on behalf of perspective purchaser of business, banker and prospective investor. 5. Cost Audit : Meaning, Nature, Objective, Scope and types of cost audit. Book Recommended : 1. B. N. Tondon: ANKEKSHAN 2. T. R; Sharma: ANKEKSHAN 3. S. M. Shukla: ANKEKSHAN 4. Jain, Khandelwal:ANKEKSHAN 5. Spicer & Paglar : Practical Auditing (Indian E d. ) 6. De Paula : Principles of Auditing 7. J. Lancaster : Princi;es and Practice of Auditing. 8. R. G. Williams : Elements of Auditing. 9. Mautz and Sharaf : Philosophy of Auditing. 0. Ronald I. Irish : Auditing. 11. Jagdish Prakash : Auditing. 12. Krinadwala & Krishnadwala : Auditing. Paper-II : OPTIONAL PAPER (ANY ONE TO BE OFFERED) Paper-II (1) : MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING Min. Pass Marks : 36 3 hrs. duration Max. marks : 100 Section-A 1. Introduction : Meaning of management accounting, conventions of management accounting, organisation of management accounting, functions, responsibilities and qualities of a management accountant, management accounting Vs. traditional accounting, limitations of management accounting. 2. Capital structure : Determinants of capital structure, optimum capital tructure. Basic theory capital structure. 3. Operating and financial leverage. 4. Working Capital : Concept, factors affecting working capital requirements, ascertainment of working caipital requi rements, salient features of Tandon Commitee and Chore Commitee reports. Section-B 5. Financial Analysis : Meaning, nature and importance of financial statements, techniques of financial analysis comparative statements, common size statements, trend analysis, limitations of financial statements analysis. 6. Elementary Ratio Analysis. 7. Cash flow and fund flow Analysis. Section-C 8. Cost of Capital. 9.Capital expenditure decisions, Pay-back period, return on investment, discounted cash flow. 10. Responsibility accounting. 11. Reporting to management. Note : The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless. Books Recommended : 1. Hingorani, Ramnathan and Grewal : Management Accounting. 2. Man Moha & Goyal : Management Accounting. 3. N. K. Kulshreshtha : Theory and Practice of Management Accountancy. 4. P. K. Ghosh : Management Accountancy. 5. S. K. Chakr aborty : Management Accountancy. . N. M. Khandelwal: PRABAMDH LEKHANKAN 7. Agrawal & Agrawal : Management Accountancy (Hindi) 8. S. P. Gupta : Management Accountancy (Hindi) 9. J. Batty : Management Accountancy. 10. Anthony R. N. : Management Accountancy Principles. 11. De-Paula : Managemetn Accountancy Practice. 12. Murphy, M. E. : Managerial Accounting. 13. M. R. Khandelwal: PRABANDH LEKHANKAN Paper-II (2) : ADVANCED COST ACCOUNTING Min. Pass Marks : 36 3 Hrs. duration Max. marks : 100 Section-A 1. Review of Cost Accounting as information system; Concept of costs, Types of costs; Installation of a Costing System. 2.Cost Control as distinct from cost determination; Control over Wastage, scrap, spoilage and defective. 3. By-product and Joint product costing including equivalent units. 4. Cost control Accounts and Integral Accounts. Section-B 5. Marginal Costing : Stock valuation under marginal costing; Absorption costing curve, linear, break even analysis, Break even charts; Differe ntial cost analysis. 6. Cost analysis for management decision making like-Make or Buy; own or lease; repair or replace; now or later; sale of scrap or retain; shut down or continue; expand or contract; dropping or adding a product; suitable product mix. . Pricing decision in special circumstances, like sales below cost, export pricing, dumping and inflation. Section-C 8. Standard Costing : General Principles; setting of standard costs; variance analysis cost; profit and sales variances, presentation of variances. 9. Uniform Costing and Inter firm comparison. 10. Cost Reduction : Meanig; Techniques; Principles and Procedure; Treatment of research and development costs. Note : The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless.Book Recommended : 1. Maheshwari and Mittal: LAAGAT LEKHANKAN: SIDDHANT ANVUM VYAVHAAR 2. Prasad, N. K. : Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting. 3. Bhar, B. K. : Cost Accounting : Methods & Problems. 4. Saxena and Vashistha : Advanced cost Accounts. 5. Ashish K. Bhattacharaya : Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting. 6. Horngren : Cost Accounting : A Managerial Approach. 7. Jain, Narang : Advanced Cost-Accounting. 8. Matz, Curry and Frank : Cost Accounting. 9. Shliling and Zordon : Cost Accounting: Analysis and Control. 10. Nigam , B. M. L. , Sharma : Advanced Cost Accounting. 11.Backer and Jacobson : Cost Accounting. 12. Oswal, Bidawat, Mangal: LAAGAT VISHLESHAN ANVUM LAAGAT NIYANTRAN Paper-II (3) : COST AND MANAGEMENT AUDIT Min. Pass Marks : 36 3 hrs. duration Max. Marks : 100 Section-A 1. Cost Audit : Nature, objects and scope; cost audit leading to other services; cost audit and financial audit. 2. Cost auditor : Qualifications, appointment and engagement; rights, duties and responsibilities ââ¬â professional and legal ââ¬â under companies Act, 1956 and Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959; relationship between statutory financial auditor, cost auditor and internal auditor. 3.Professional ethics and misconduct; special penal provision for cost auditors. Section-B 4. Preparation of the cost audit programme; evaluation of internal control system including material inventrory, capacity utilization management information system and internal audit. 5. Preparation and verification of cost records; cost Accounting Re cords Rules u/s 209 (a) (d) of the companies Act, 1956 (only general knowledge is required); Use of statistical sampling methods. 6. The cost audit reports : Contents of reports as per Cost Audit Records Rules u/s (b) of the Companies Act, 1956; Review of cost audit reports by Government.Section-C 7. Management audit, Meaning, nature and scope, qualities of a management auditor, concept of efficiency audit, proprietary audit and operational audit. 8. Specific areas of management audit involving review of internal control, review of purchasing control, review of s elling and distribution policies and programmes, review of manufacturing operations. 9. Corportate social audit : concept, dimenloy and technique. Note : The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calcualtor that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless.Books Recommended : 1. Management Audit. 2. Choudhary D. Management Audit and Cost Audit 3. Ramanathan Cost and Mangement Audit 4. Cona W. L. Management Audit 5. Tikhe J. G. Cost Audit and Management Audit 6. Rose T. G. Cost Audit and Management Audit 7. Kamal Gupta Contemporary Audit Paper-II (4) : BUSINESS STATISTICS Min. Pass Marks : 36 3 Hrs. duration Max. marks : 100 Section-A 1. Analysis of time series : Meaning, components of time series, methdos of measuring trend, seasonal variations and irregular fluctuations. 2.Interpolation and Extrapolation : Meaning, Nilwon's method of Advancing difference, Binomial and Lagsarg's method. Section-B 3. Associ ation of attributes. 4. Theory of probability : Elementary problems based on permutations and combinations, additive and mutiplicative rules. 5. Probability distributions : Binomial, Poisson and Normal distribution. Section-C 6. Sampling : Meaning, Sample of attributes and variables, Test of significance, large samples and small samples, t-test, F-test and chisquare test. 7. Analysis of variance : One way and two way classification, design of experiments. 8. Statistical quality control.Note : The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless. Book Recommended : 1. 2. 3. 4. Mathur, Khandelwal, Gupta: VYAVSAAYIK SAANKHIYAKI NAAGAR: SAANKHIYAKI KE SIDDHANT S. P. Gupta : Statistical Methods. Sancheti & Kapoor : Statistical Methods. Optional Paper-II (5) : COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ACCOUNTING Min. Pass Marks : 36 3 Hrs. duration Max. Marks : 100 Section-A 1. I ntroduction of Computers and automated data processing, development of computers, types of computers, hardware and software. . Binary code system; binary arithmetic, words, bytes and bits, introduction to other number system (octal and hexadecimal), computer languages. 3. Introduction to flow charts, flow diagram importance, symbols and their application. Section-B 4. Introduction to BASIC language : characteristics, contants, variables and expressions, READ, PRINT, AND DATA statements. CONTROL statements. 5. Programming in BASIC language-simple programmes. 6. Business applications; Payroll, iventory control, financial accouting and EDP audit. Section-C 7. Introduction to COBOL language- Histroy of COBOL coding format.Structure of a COBOL program, character set, COBOL words, data names and identifiers, laterals, four divisions of COBOL. 8. Procedure, division and basic verb-More, arithmetic verbs, sequence control verbs, input and output verbs, conditional verb. 9. Writing simple CO BOL programmes. Note : 1. There will be three hours of theory and three hours of computer lab work per week. 2. The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless. Books Recommended : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Fundamentals of Computers : V.Rajaraman Programming in COBOL : Schaum Series Principles of Auditing : Tandon Selecting the Computer System : Chorafas System Analysis & Data Processing : Subramaniam and Menon Computer Data Processing : Gordon B. Davis Computer and Common Sense : Roger Hund and John Shelly Machine Organisation An Introduction to the : Pflager P. C. Structure and Programming (New York Wiley, 1982) of Computer Systems 9. Fundamentals of Data Structures : Herowitz E. Sahnaj Co. Computer Science Press, 1978 10. Computer Hardare and Organisation : Solam M. E. 11. Fundamental Concept of Programming System : Allaman J. D. 12.COBOL Programming : M. K. Roy and D. Ghosh 13. Computer Programming in COBOL : V. Rajaraman 14. D. O. S. and 6. 2 Companion : Satish Jain Optional Paper-II (6) : TAXATION LAW AND PRACTICE Min. Pass Marks : 36 3 Hrs. duration Section-A Wealth Tax Act and Rules Max. Marks : 100 1. Definitions : Charge of wealth tax and assets subject to such charges; exemptions; valuation of assets, computation of net wealth and wealth tax. 2. Procedure of assessment : Liability to assessment in special cases; appeals; revision and reference, payment and recovery of wealth tax. refunds. Section B Central Sales Tax and Rules : 3.Definitions; Liability of tax on inter-state sales, rates of tax, determination of taxable turnover and sales tax, declaration forms. 4. Registration of dealers; declared goods and restrictions and conditions on sales of such goods; levy and collection of tax; penalities; appeals. Section C Rajasthan Sales Tax Act and Rules : 5. Definitions; incidence of taxtation; exemptions and concessions; re gistration of dealers; computation of taxable turnover and sales tax. 6. Procedure of assessment; liability to assessment in special cases; payment and recovery of tax; offences, penalties and prosecutions; appeals and revisions.Note : 1. There will be three hours of theory and three hours of computer lab work per week. 2. The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 me mories and should be noiseless and cordless. Books Recommended : 3. 4. 5. 6. Chawala and Gupta: DHAKAR ANVUM UPHAAR KAR Bhagwati Prasad : Wealth Tax and Gift Tax Mehrotra & Goyal : Wealth Tax and Gift Tax Chawala, GUpta and Naahar: KENDRIYA ANVUM RAJASTHAN BIKRIKAR 7. Patel and Chaudhary: DHANKAR, UPHAAAR KAR ANVUM NIGAM KAR 8. Patel and Chaudhary: VIKRAY KAR 9. V. K.Singhania : Direct Taxes Paper-I (7) ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Min. Pass Marks : 36 3 Hrs. duration Max. Marks : 100 Section-A 10. Alteration of share capital a nd internal reconstruction (excluding framing of schemes). 11. Amalgamation, absorption and external reconstruction of companies (exclusing framing of schemes). 12. Liquidation of companies. Section-B 13. Accounts of Holiding companies. Preparation of consolidated fin ancial statements (Excluding inter-company holdings). 14. Accounts of banking companies and general insurance companies. 15. Double accounts system (including accoutns of Electrictiy companies).Section-C 16. Trends in published accounts. 17. Valuation of inventories; AS-2 18. Accounting for agricultural farms and hotels. 19. Indian accounting standards 6 to 12. Note : 20. There will be three hours of theory and three hours of computer lab work per week. 21. The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless. Books Recommended : 22. Publications of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of In dia. i. Trends in Published Accounts. ii.Indian Accounting Standards 1 to 12 23. Pickless : Accountancy 24. Spicer and Peglar : Book-Keeping and Accounts 25. Shukla M. C. & Grewal T. S. : Advanced Accounting. 26. H. Chakravarty : Advanced Accountancy. 27. R. L. Gupta : Advanced Accountancy, Vol-II 28. Jain & Narang : Advanced Accounts. 29. Monga, Sehgal, Ahuja : Advanced Accounts, Vol-II 30. Jain, Khandelwal, Pareek: Advanced Accounts Paper-II (8) : OPERATION RESEARCH Min. Pass Marks : 36 3 Hrs. duration Max. Marks : 100 Section-A 31. Introduction : Quantitative techniques and operation research, methodology and models of O. R. 32.Linear Programming concept, formulation, graphical solution, primal and dual simplex method. 33. Transportation model, assignment models. Section-B 34. Game theory 35. Waiting line models. 36. Simulation Section-C 37. Inventory control techniqes. 38. Network analysis, PERT & CPM, including time-cost trade off. 39. Quantitative decision models : decision ma king under certainty, uncertainty and Risk expected value of perfect information, decision tree. Note : The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calcul ator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless.Book Recommended : 40. Mathur, Khandelwal, Gupta: PARINATMAK PRAVIDHIYAAN 41. C. R. Kothari, Vikas : Quantitative Techniques 42. Bonieni, Bierman : Quantitative Methods 43. Kanti Swaroop : Statistical Analysis and Quantitative & Other Techniques. 44. Gupta and Gupta : Operations Research. 45. Ghokaru-Saini: SANKRIYA VIGYAN 46. C. R. Kothari : Operations Research 47. P. K. Gupta & D. S. Hira C. W. : Operation Research 48. Churchaman, R. L. Ackoff & Asnoff : Introduction to Operations Research 49. Mathur, Khandelwal, Gupta, Gupta: Sankriya Vigyan Paper-II (9) : BUSINESS MATHEMATICS Min.Pass marks : 36 3 Hrs. duration Max. Marks : 100 Section-A 50. Arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progressions; compound interest and annuities. 51. Permutations and combinations; binominal theorem for positive integral index only. 52. Graphs and linear inequalities in two variables to determine feasible regions; solution of quadratic equations; relation between roots of a quadratic equation. Section-B 53. Matrics and determinants of a matrix of order upto three only useof matrices in solving simultaneous equations by matrix inversion as well as pivotal reduction method and by use determinants. 4. Linear, quadratic, exponential and logrithmic functions, concepts and determination of break-even point; curve fitting by the method of least square; fitting of linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic curves. Section-C 55. Elements of trignometry ââ¬â (to enable a student to learn Integral Calculus with aid to Trigonometric Rations). Trigonometric Ratios and angles associated with a given angle, addition formulae, multiple and submultiple angles; transformation of sums into products and vice-vers a; definiton of inverse circular function. 56.Elements of differentation, simple application of differential coefficients, maxima and minima of unvariate functions; rules of integration for indefinite and definite integrates, simple application of integration to calculus accounting and business problems. Note : The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless. Book Recommended : 57. Sancheti and Kapoor : Business Mathemtaics. 58. Mehta and Madani : Basic Mathematics for Commerce. 59. S. Saha : Business Mathematics. 60.Brijesh Gupta: VYAVSAAYIK GANIT Paper-II (10) : STOCK MARKET AND SECURITY ANALYSIS Min. Pass Marks : 36 3 Hrs. duration Max. Marks : 100 Section-A 61. Introduction : Meaning, nature and importance of stock market; origin and development of stock market in India; organisation of stock market in India. 62. Function of stock market. Transacti ons of business aspect and forward, speculations and classes of speculations; margin; trading options; hedging, arbitrating; procedure of transfer of shares and bonds; blank transfer. 63. Stock market regulations; Membership; maintenance and audit of their books of account.Securities and Exchange Board of India; its function and control, protections of small investors. Section-B 64. Stock exchanges and new issue market; mechanism of floating new issuesl; listing of securities, underwritng of securities. 65. Types of securities. Fixed and variable, return securities. Equity shares. Debentures ââ¬â convertrible and non-convertible debentures, warrants, stock options, Government securities. 66. Concept of valuation; Present value. Internal Rate of Return. Holding period yield. 67. Analysis of risk an dreturn on securities. Section-C 68. Fundamental analysis; economic analysis; company analysis; financial and on-financial factors. 69. Technical analysis. 70. Introduction to market e fficiency. Note : The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memo ries and should be noiseless and cordless. Book Recommended : 71. Grahum and Dodd : Security Analysis 72. Prasanna Chandra : The Investment 73. Sinha, S. L. N : Investment Managemetn 74. Bhall, V. K. Investment Management 75. Preeti Singh : Investment Management 76. Birston R. J. : The Stock Exchange and Investment Analysis. 77. Dr. Veena : Stock Market in India. 8. Gupta, U. L. : Working of Stock Exchanges in India. Paper-II (11) : APPLICATIONS Min. Pass Marks : 36 QUANTITATIVE METHODS 3 hrs. duration AND THEIR Max. Marks : 100 Section-A Risk Analysis in capital Budgeting. Ration Analysis Liquidity Ratios and Profitability Ratios. Statistical Quality Control : Introduction control charts for process, variable attributes, defects, etc. uses and Applications of S. Q. C. Section-B Vital Statistics. Interpolation and Extrapolation : Newton's method and Newton's method of dividid differences. Analysis of tiem series including exponential smoothing.Section-C A. P. G. P. and H. P. : Simple and direct problems. Probability : Elementary problems based on permutations and computations. Elements of Set Theory : Definition of Set and Sub-sets, number of elements in a set, ways of specifiying a set equality and sub-set unversal set and null set. Basic set operations, Venn Diagrams. Book Recommended : 79. Statistics : Sancheti & Kapoor. 80. Quantitative Techniques : C. R. Kothari. 81. Business Statistics : Mathur, Gupta, Khandelwal. 82. Quantitative Techniques : Sharma, Jain, Pareek. 83. Oswal, Bidawat, Mangal:LAAGAT VISHLESHAN NIYANRAN ANVUM
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